


     揚州市蘇中電力設(shè)備有限公司成立三十余年來,不斷發(fā)展壯大,現(xiàn)具有雄厚的技術(shù)力量及優(yōu)良的加工設(shè)備,本廠七大系列上千種規(guī)格的產(chǎn)品, 曾多次被國家科研機構(gòu)及重大工程選用,部分產(chǎn)品還遠銷東南亞其它國家和地區(qū)。本廠嚴格按照現(xiàn)代企業(yè)的運行機構(gòu),**貫徹執(zhí)行IS09002質(zhì)量管理體系,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量穩(wěn)定可靠,連續(xù)十二年被省、市、縣工商部門評為“重合同守信用”企業(yè)。
    Jiangsu Yangzhou Suzhong Power Equipment Factory is a comprehensive manufacturer of high and lowvoltage electrical equipment, and one of the manufacturer recommended by the National Economic Committee for the equipment needing in the reconstruction of urban and rural electrical grids. The factory is a new and hi-techenterprises engaged in scientific & technological research, manufacturing and trade.
    Over the period of more than 20 years since its eatablishment,the factory has been growing and deve- loping. Now the factory boasts strong technical capabilities and excellent manufacturing equipment. The factory has seven major series of products comprising over a thousand specific items. Many of these products have been chosen by national scientific & technological institutes or in key national projects. Some of the products have found sales in Southeast Asia and many other countries and regions. The factory adopts modern management mode and implement ISO9002 quality management system. The products are reliable in quality. The factory have been honored as a "trustworthy and faithful enterprise" by industrial & commercial administrative departments of provincial, municipal levels for 12 consecutive years. The factory has been well appraised by its customers fore its quality products and excellent services. Advocating the business principle of "quality first, credit first and customers above everything", the factory express warm welcome to new and old customers both from inside and outside the country.   
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